I created a full website for Arizona State University's new Center for Education Through eXploration (ETX) initiative in 2016. The site was created using ASU's style guidelines, but also making something that would be modern, clean and that would draw users into the beauty of exploring our planet and worlds beyond in an easy to comprehend way. The ASU ETX site was built using WordPress as a base, to allow for easy maintenance for people in a hurry.


Final unofficial ETX logo that was briefly used before the site went with straight university style branding.

Evolution of some of the logo concepts that we were going to use for ASU ETX branding. We were hoping that since this was an outward-facing program, partnering with groups outside of the university, that we would be allowed to develop a unique brand just for this program.
Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, WordPress, Drupal, HTML, CSS
Skills: Art Direction, Graphic Design, Web Design, Logo Design, Branding, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, Project Development