Main Doxie logo color scheme for web

White variation of the Doxie logo on background colors representing different Doxie brands. The blue color is used for Doxie One and Doxie Go, the pink is the default "Doxie pink" used on the first Doxie scanner, the purple is used for Doxie Flip and the dark gray is the default dark gray tone used for the brand.

Color variation of the Doxie logo on background colors representing different Doxie brands. The blue color is used for Doxie One and Doxie Go, the pink is the default "Doxie pink" used on the first Doxie scanner, the purple is used for Doxie Flip and the dark gray is the default dark gray tone used for the brand.

Non-outlined version of the Doxie logo, shown here in its main use-- for printing on products or other small spaces where the outline becomes too crowded.
TOOLS: Adobe Illustrator
SKILLS: Graphic Design, Logo Design, Branding