The new homepage of the General Store not only shows off the three main aspects of the business-- that it offers an award-winning restaurant menu, that it sells high quality local groceries, and amazing catering-- the hero image changes depending on whether it's day or night. As you enter the tiny town of Saxapahaw, the first thing you see to let you know you're in the right place, is the store's brightly lit gas station awning. But when you think you're coming up to any old regular gas station, you realize that the General Store is so much more...
The old site for the Saxapahaw General Store was slow, outdated and not at all responsive. With the importance of mobile devices in customers engaging with the website, such as learning more about catering services and browsing the menu from a phone, it was very important to make every single optimized and responsive for mobile devices. Every single page was tested and designed with both mobile and desktop use in mind.
With the General Store celebrating over 10 years in business, the story of the store's history is an important part of its identity. Local staff who care about customers, local farmers who provide healthy food to the store, and a vibrant, artistic community is all part of the narrative of Saxapahaw and the Saxapahaw General Store.
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